If all else fails, factory reset Ugh. Trust me — I hate resetting a device as much as you do. They take hours to set back up, and no matter how careful you were backing things up you always lose something. Not to mention all the game progress you are going to lose. But sometimes, things are so FUBAR that you just have to go here. Especially if you're the type of person who just has to root and mess with things to make them "better." Factory resetting makes everything go away and returns your phone to the same condition it was in when you first opened the box. Firmware updates will still be in place, but things like your text messages and other data not in the cloud are gone forever. But sometimes, a fresh start is the best way to go. You'll find a way to reset your phone in the device settings. Look for words like backup and restore or privacy to find the exact entry. Once you find it, tap away and wave goodbye to all those Knights of Pen and Paper levels. When things boot back up into Android, you'll be nice and fast again, which is good because you'll be spending plenty of time swiping and tapping to set everything back up.
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